A Different look at health.

Blog 10.
20th June 2016
A Different look at Health…
As I mentioned last week I went to a Metagenics Natural Medicine conference and the topic was Mood Disorders.
Mood disorders are one of the largest costs to any western world with loss of productivity and time off sick. The cost in dollars are in the millions if not billions lost to mental health disorders.
These being depression, anxiety, stress, OCD, bi-polar, and now demoralisation. This can also include autism and ADHD in children. 
What scientists (Dr Hyla Cass, Dr Jacques Duff and Dr Felice Jacka) have found is that the food and the environment have been causing inflammatory process within our body and mind.  Certain metals get through the blood brain barrier and can stay amongst our neurons and cause damage. This can lead to mood disorders and even serious issues such as Alzheimer and MS.
Our bodies when born need biomes (good bacteria inside the body and out). We start in the womb and we get some from our mothers.  Then through normal childbirth some more gets lay down on the skin.  The again once we get the mothers fore milk. 
All these things go towards a strong immune system.  We can enhance our own digestion for own bodies by having bacteria yoghurt, fermented foods, sauerkraut, fermented tea, apple cider vinegar, Yakult.  It has also been shown that over 4 weeks of eating porridge for four weeks everyday your own flora in the gut will have grown to a very healthy amount.  By digesting our food completely the body utilizes most of its resources.  By having the ideal food, fresh, not added to, raw or partly cook natural foods. It will keep the inflammation down and the immune system working efficiently.
Unfortunately our environment today is fairly toxic and in this modern day we have to learn to dodge the bullets.  Heavy metals in our atmosphere. I grew up in a time when lead was in our petrol. Aluminium was our cooking pots and lead was in our paints.  Copper in our pipes etc. All this builds up in our brain tissue and things start slowing down. Thinking, talking, maths in the head, reading a paragraph and forgetting what it said in the beginning of the paragraph.
Our brains are constantly trying to find equilibrium and so our moods swings up and down depending on that person.  This can also lead to hormone imbalance, chemical or neurotransmitter imbalance.  We then try to medicate and have more of a balance to try to sustain.
And if we feed it substandard foods with petrochemicals in then the liver works overtime and the toxicity builds up.  So I guess the message I have this week is try to eat fresh, exercise a little. And look into a detox for yourself, if on medication seek professional advice.
Remember to breathe and try to stress less. Think of a  Mmmm moment that brings “a smile to your dial”

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