January 15th, 2017

Blog 32
16th January 2017
Well hi there, a beginning of a new year, of new intentions and new phases.  Out with the old and into the new. 
So I have moved house recently and this is reported to be one on the most stressful times.  It’s up there on the death of a loved one and divorce.  However it’s all about planning and starting early. Having to move also means you have a great clean out and get rid of the stuff that you haven’t touched for 3-5 years and probably never would. “They” (the “clan of They”) say it is good to have a clean out about this time to get rid of the STUFF. We all accumulate putting piles of papers here, and there, a second draw down that has weird stuff, string, hair clips, pegs, plastic bags…
It’s also good and helpful to have friends over to help, the task then doesn’t seem so huge, and when it’s huge it becomes overwhelming and your brain can shut down.  If you don’t like to ask for help then think of it this way, would you help out if a friend asked? Often people give and give and find it hard to ask for help.  If you don’t then energy keeps going out and your bank account of energy gets depleted and eventually you crash and burn.  If we help each other it gives a sense of belonging and community.  This helps in so many ways, keeping blood pressure down, lowering the percentage of getting an autoimmune disease.  Sleep is better.  We are social creatures and it’s good to get together and help.  It gives a sense of belonging. 
In the film “the Connection” they discovered a small settlement in America which were predominantly Italian.  The families lived together, perhaps even 3 or 4 generations in one house. This was in the 60’s and 70’s.  The average rate of heart disease for the rest of USA was 55yrs but in this town it was 65yrs.  The old folk played chess, the mothers helped each other out and there were often family get togethers. Gradually as time went on the younger generation moved out, got their own place, worked in towns and moved away from the family.  Now sadly this town has an average age with heart disease of 55yrs.  This really shows how family and friends matter. 
If you don’t connect and remain secluded the serotonin will build up and you can become grumpy.  Even though this is a happy neurotransmitter it can also be a part of aggression. They found this to be true in solitary confinement, their serotonin levels were high but were aggressive.
So as homo sapiens we need contact with others, love, compassion, kindness and many other positives.  As a massage therapist I know what a benefit is to have a massage in a respectful way. No weird stuff :-(.  Hugging is a great way and thankfully we live in a society that hugs.  Shown to release Dopamine and Serotonin in a positive way leading to many health benefits.
Have a hug 🙂

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